$url = "http://spcn.io/ChannelsList";
//This is just a random sites link i had handy for this demo $url is the varible it is stored under//
$read = file_get_contents($url);
//this gets the website, the website should now be stored as a varible called $read//
$write = file_put_contents("read.txt", $read);
//This should create a file called "read.txt" in same dir as file with all data from website (Helps For Editing)//
$bit = '<td class="cl_channel">';
//This is the part of site i have picked for selection of room names located in website.//
$count = 1;
$num = 0;
$data = explode($bit, $read);
//Explode creates an array of your choice of breaking point from data. (PHP starts with 0 for matches)//
while ($count < count($data))
$match = $data[$count];
//$match is now part whatever number $count is currently of the array of $data//
$match = explode(">", $match)[1];
//this is to remove the url from room name, the [1] on end means text after first ">"//
$match = explode("</a", $match)[0];
//$match should now be the rooms name, the [0] on end means we want text before</a//
if (strlen($match) > 1) goto dis;
goto next;
$num = $num + 1;
echo '['.$num.'] '.$match.'<br>';
//This should echo room names to your page or terminal the output shown is for webpage//
$count = $count + 1;
//You should now have a complete list of chatrooms from webpage specifed//
echo 'List Completed Of "'.$num.'" Chatrooms';
$host = "spcnip.d-web.site";
//Server Hostname//
$ip = gethostbyname("$host");
//Get servers IP From Hostname//
$port = "7778";
$chan = "%#ds.test.room";
$botsnick = ">Testbot_" . rand(1111,999999999);
//Random Nickname For Bot//
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
//Create a socket for connecting with.//
$open = socket_connect($socket, $ip, $port);
//Connect socket to specified ip & port//
$data = array();
$data[count($data)] = "NICK " . $botsnick;
$data[count($data)] = "USER :d-test";
$data = implode("\r\n", $data) . "\r\n";
//Created data to send to server as an array then turned into string ("\r\n" is new line return all data sent to server requires it)//
socket_write($socket, $data, strlen($data));
$data = "CREATE " . $chan . "\r\n";
socket_write($socket, $data, strlen($data));
while ($in = socket_read($socket, "81920"))
echo str_replace("\r\n", "<br>", $in) . "<br>";
if (count(explode("JOIN", $in)) > 1)
$mode = "MODE " . $chan . " +pu\r\n";
socket_write($socket, $mode, strlen($mode));
goto end;
echo "Script Completed";
if (!isset($_GET['data1'])) $data = "Whatever";
else $data1 = $_GET['data1'];
if (!isset($_GET['data2'])) $data = "Something";
else $data2 = $_GET['data2'];
//Get data from url into var the url should be http://yoursite.com/file.php?data1=whatever&data2=something//
echo "Reversing Test From Input<br>";
echo $data1 . " = " . reverseTEXT($data1) . "<br>";
echo $data2 . " = " . reverseTEXT($data2) . "<br>";
function reverseTEXT($data) {
$len = strlen($data);
while ($len > 0)
$len = $len - 1;
$out .= substr($data,$len,1);
return $out;